A BIG prize for Devin Terhune

Devin just got the biggest prize in Sweden for a young psychologist for his dissertation work here at Lund, “Dissociation and heterogeneity in high hypnotic suggestibility”. The Royal Scientific Academy mentioned his theoretical rigor, originality and methodological savvy. Grattis, Devin!

I was also fortunate to receive the Erika Fromm Award for Excellence in Hypnosis Teaching from the Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. I am especially glad to get an award after the grand dame of hypnosis and a dear, departed friend.

And although not a personal friend, I mourn the death of Vaclav Havel, world-class playwright, President of Czechoslovakia and, after the split, the Czech Republic, and a tireless and courageous fighter for human rights and democracy.

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